

Although this blog is publicly available, this post is some sort of reflection.
The purpose of this post is to motivate other people by answering the reason for the following statement.

I try to live up to the value "will-power":
Disagree 1 ----- 2 ----- 3 ----- 4 ----- 5 Agree ----- 6

In the following, I won't explain how I developed my will-power. That's because it doesn't matter. We are all living our own lives, and no one experiences anywhere near the same situations. I will only tell why you should have a strong mind, and why there's no reason to ever give up! In my mind, the best way to motivate people is to give them a reason for their hard work. If there exists a goal that is worth fighting for, people will figure out how to get there.
The reasons I will give rely on logic. They don't take emotions very much into account, because this is not possible. There are millions of different life situations and every single one triggers different emotions. So the only option one has when giving advice, is to be as neutral (free of emotion) as possible, in order to adress anybody.
If everyone would only follow these logical reasons, depression and other mental illnesses wouldn't exist (besides from endocrine disorders, of course). It's the emotions that lead to often illogical decisions. As emotions almost always play a roll in decisions, the following can be understood in a more theoretical/philosophical way than in a practical. Nevertheless it can serve as a guidance for mentally wounded and/or philosophically interested people.

In general, two "tricks" helped me getting a thick skin:
  1. Whenever you are in a difficult situation, even if you've already panicked and you are running in circles, think about the far future. The near future is then your enemy. It is what makes you panic. You think "if I don't achieve this, that won't work out and then the sky falls down!". But really try to focus on what might come in a few years or even decades. This has two advantages:
    First, it has the immediate effect of calming you down. For instance, if you think of how you are old and your grandchildren are playing in the garden, all the daily trouble you're currently facing becomes nothing but smoke and mirrors.
    Second, it enables you to think tactically rather than short-term oriented. Freeing your mind from the operational problems, broadens the view for things that might be more important in order to solve overriding problems.
  2. Imagine the view of you, trying to fight a particular problem, from outer space. This is a very good method to accurately qualify your situation. What this concept shows, is that the mankind is so small compared to whole wide universe. That means that the single individuals on earth are even smaller. Every individual has to deal with many problems during their lives. There are many individuals... It teaches us to think about whether a certain problem really is as important as you think it is. It doesn't mean that your problem is not important at all or that is doesn't need to be solved. Just take a breath and have in mind that you don't need to panic, because there's probably someone out there who faced a similar issue before and was able to resolve it.

I like to give these advices to anyone who faces a temporary problem. Those are really my best advices that (re)strengthen one's will-power and they apply to almost any situation.