Asking Good Questions

A Little Compilation

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These are just a few hints on to ask a good (technical) question. If you follow these carefully, you are much more likely to get high quality answers, so investing a little time into your question is recommended.

What would the answer to your question be?
Ask yourself how would come up with an approach to the question. You need to make sure that your question points into the right direction. Otherwise people invest time in answering something you didn't necessarily want to know. Improve the question until you can read it and think "If I knew the answer, I would exactly know what do do now".

Do you have a good title?
Try to catch the interest of broad range of people. Often it is not important which programming language you use, because the solution would look very similar in other languages. You exclude a group of people right away if you start your title with a specific attribute like "Java: ...".

Do you provide enough context information?
If you, however, would like get a very specific answer, you should provide as much additional information as possible, using hash tags, or even add some details about the platform you use in the text. Don't use the title for this.

What do you want to get out of your question?
If you want to have high quality answers to more than one question, you should sepereate the questions into different threads. Otherwise you will probably get a kind of fuzzy answer to your many questions in one thread. Though it might be easy for you to recognize the emphasis of your thread, it can be hard for others. In order to get their mind around what you are trying to ask, focus only on one question.

Do you provide an example for what went wrong, or what you want your code to to?
If possible, provide either code from what you've tried so far, or pseudocode of what you want to do. Because the characteristics of sourcecode are a lot more specific than a spoken language, it might become a lot clearer what the question is about.

Is your language reasonably correct?
Even if your not a native speaker there are some things you should avoid. For example, check for spelling mistakes. It's easy to look up words online. Also format your text in an intelligent way. Only highlight the things you want to emphasize. Make sure you're code is readable. Don't include information that is useless for solving the issue.

Good habits.
You should be registered with a meaningful username and respond quickly to answers. If someone posted an answer that points into a wrong direction, that might mean your question was not clear enough. If that's the case, edit your question and mark/add to the text what you have edited.